Captain Phillips is a 2013 American biographical drama-thriller film directed by Paul Greengrass. Inspired by the 2009 Maersk Alabama hijacking, the film tells the story of the eponymous Captain Richard Phillips, a merchant mariner who was taken hostage by Somali pirates under the leadership of Abduwali Muse. It stars Tom Hanks as Phillips and Barkhad Abdi as Muse.[1]
In April 2009, the U.S. containership Maersk Alabama sails toward its destination on a day that seems like any other. Suddenly, Somali pirates race toward the vessel, climb aboard and take everyone hostage. The captain of the ship, Richard Phillips (Tom Hanks), looks to protect his crew from the hostile invaders, and their leader, Muse (Barkhad Abdi). The pirates are after millions of dollars, and Phillips must use his wits to make sure everyone survives and returns home safely.
Captain Richard Phillips | |
Portrayed By | Tom Hanks |
Whump | Captured, threatened, beaten, struck, shock, disorientation, medical care |
Contributor | anonymous |