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Fox Mulder is a fictional character appearing in The X-Files and portrayed by David Duchovny.

Fox Mulder also appears in X Files: Fight the Future.

Character Bio

Mulder is an Oxford-educated FBI special agent who believes in the existence of extraterrestrials and a government conspiracy to hide the truth regarding them. He works in the X-Files office, which is concerned with cases marked as unsolvable; most involve supernatural/mysterious circumstances. Mulder considers the X-Files so important that he has made their study his life's main purpose.[1]


Season 1[]

EP# Title Whump Description Contributor
2 Deep Throat tied up, experiments, amnesia whumplists
4 Conduit sitting alone in a church crying over his lost sister the-wandering-whumper
5 The Jersey Devil attacked, patched up whumplists
8 Ice possible infection, scuffles whumplists
10 Fallen Angel thrown, injured leg, on crutches axxonly
12 Fire smoke inhalation, passes out, supported, care ouchthatwasgood
13 Beyond the Sea shot in the leg, rushed to the hospital, oxygen mask fyeahvulnerablemen
14 Gender Bender fight, kicked in the head the-wandering-whumper
17 E.B.E. trips while running, injures ankle, limps for a while the-wandering-whumper
20 Darkness Falls attacked by bugs, in quarantine after, hooked up to an IV the-wandering-whumper
24 The Erlenmeyer Flask tied up, hostage, exposed to toxic blood whumplists

Season 2[]

EP# Title Whump Description Contributor
1 Little Green Men exhaustion SarcasmCloud
3 Blood attacked by woman with a knife, cut on arm, bandages, falls later, reopens wound, blood SarcasmCloud
4 Sleepless hallucinates SarcasmCloud
5 Duane Barry held hostage SarcasmCloud
11 Excelsis Dei trapped in a flooding room SarcasmCloud
12 Aubrey attacked, knocked out SarcasmCloud
14 Die Hand Die Verletzt attacked, knocked out, shot SarcasmCloud
15 Fresh Bones stabbing by voodoo magic SarcasmCloud
16 Colony sick, ice bath, flatlines SarcasmCloud
17 End Game fight, long fall, hypothermia, resuscitation SarcasmCloud
18 Fearful Symmetry knocked out SarcasmCloud
19 Død Kalm rapid aging, near death SarcasmCloud
25 Anasazi drugged, shot Serenity Wholock Scamander

Season 3[]

EP# Title Whump Description Contributor
1 The Blessing Way pulled from rubble, injured, unconscious, near death Control-Whump
4 Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose attacked, throat slashed (psychic's vision), thrown into a freezer, in pain, helped to sit up by scully the-wandering-whumper
9 Nisei in a fight, thrown into some trashcans the-wandering-whumper
10 731 choked, beaten up, unconscious, carried over shoulder, attacked with a garrotte anonymous
12 War of the Coprophages disintegrated metal causes abrasions to his fingers, cute scene in a hospital where doc puts bandaids on the tips of his fingers the-wandering-whumper
14 Grotesque gets deep into case, nightmares, wakes up sweaty, manipulated the-wandering-whumper
16 Apocrypha car accident, hits head on windshield, wakes up in hospital, gash on his forehead for rest of ep the-wandering-whumper
17 Pusher mind control fyeahvulnerablemen
24 Talitha Cumi grief over mother's stroke, in a fight with his source, cries at mother's beside the-wandering-whumper

Season 4[]

EP# Title Whump Description Contributor
1 Herrenvolk lifted off feet by the throat, thrown into a car, cries in Scully's arms the-wandering-whumper
2 Home Fight with brothers the-wandering-whumper
5 The Field Where I Died Remembers a past life, cries in the field where he died the-wandering-whumper
8 Tunguska whipped in the face, knocked out, wakes up in Russian Gulag, drugged, experimented on, exposed to black cancer the-wandering-whumper
9 Terma escape, hiding in the woods, helped by strangers the-wandering-whumper
10 Paper Hearts nightmares the-wandering-whumper
15 Kaddish attacked by the golem several times & knocked down the-wandering-whumper
20 Small Potatoes Knocked out, held captive in dungeon-like cell, distressed, identity stolen, arrives disheveled Control-Whump
23 Demons covered in blood, in shock, confusion, headache/migraine, memory loss, flashbacks, PTSD-like, unconscious, painful visions/flashbacks control-whump
24 Gethsemane emotional, apparent suicide the-wandering-whumper

Season 5[]

EP# Title Whump Description Contributor
2 Redux II emotional, cries at Scully's bedside the-wandering-whumper
3 Unusual Suspects Exposed to toxin, takes off all his clothes and starts screaming (kind of played more for laughs) the-wandering-whumper
4 Detour Attacked by creature in the woods, injured shoulder, comforted & cared for by Scully, bandaged wound after rescue the-wandering-whumper
9 Schizogeny Car accident, nearly impaled by tree limb, stuck in the mud and almost pulled under the-wandering-whumper
11 Kill Switch Attacked by AI, trapped, restrained, electrocuted, dark hallucinations, arms burned the-wandering-whumper
18 The Pine Bluff Variant tortured, broken finger, splint, held at gunpoint while undercover the-wandering-whumper
19 Folie à Deux taken hostage, hit in the head with the butt of a rifle, cut on lip, admitted to psychiatric hospital the-wandering-whumper

Season 6[]

EP# Title Whump Description Contributor
3 Triangle shipwrecked, saved from the water, beaten up & manhandled by crew & Nazis throughout the whole ep, forced to watch Nazis shoot people to get him to give up a name, wakes up in hospital the-wandering-whumper
6 How the Ghosts Stole Christmas trapped in a haunted house, shot by Scully, drags himself to the door bleeding heavily the-wandering-whumper
8 The Rain King nearly killed by a cow crashing through his hotel room ceiling, hurts arm, bandaged in an ambulance and seen by a doc in his hotel room the-wandering-whumper
13 Agua Mala stranded in a hurricane, attacked by sea creature, wounds on throat that are later shown bandaged the-wandering-whumper
14 Monday time loop, taken hostage, shot twice, held in Scully's arms, pressure applied to wounds the-wandering-whumper
21 Field Trip trapped underground, slowly digested, dug up, rushed to hospital the-wandering-whumper
22 Biogenesis painful, debilitating headaches the-wandering-whumper

Season 7[]

EP# Title Whump Description Contributor
1 The Sixth Extinction hospitalized, pain, unresponsive, woken up, overdose of drug given, seizure, the-wandering-whumper
2 The Sixth Extinction II: Amor Fati brain surgery, left for dead the-wandering-whumper
4 Millennium attacked by zombies, cut on arm, seen with arm in splint in hospital at the end of the ep the-wandering-whumper
6 The Goldberg Variation hit in the arm with a richocette bullet, treated in hospital (short) the-wandering-whumper
9 Signs & Wonders bitten by snakes, unconscious, recovering in hospital afterwards the-wandering-whumper
10 Sein und Zeit grief, reunited with vision of his sister, more grief the-wandering-whumper
11 Closure grief, reunited with vision of his sister, more grief the-wandering-whumper
13 First Person Shooter beaten up in a virtual game the-wandering-whumper
16 Chimera attacked by a monster, nearly drowned, thrown through a door the-wandering-whumper
18 Brand X coughing up blood, deep suction of lungs to remove beetles, respiratory distress, oxygen the-wandering-whumper
20 Fight Club beaten up (played for laughs) the-wandering-whumper

Season 8[]

EP# Title Whump Description Contributor
15 Deadalive dug up from his grave, on life support for a long time while they try to figure out how to save him the-wandering-whumper
20 Essence thrown through a glass wall, stitched up by scully the-wandering-whumper

Season 9[]

EP# Title Whump Description Contributor
19 The Truth Imprisonned, gut punched, on trial for murder, helpless Anonymous

Film Whump Description Contributor
X Files: Fight the Future bullet graze to the head, unconscious, hospital, bandages on head, collapses after rescuing scully, held in her arms the-wandering-whumper

